How to Fly the Approach
Plain text instructions for flying the approach are found in the Pilot Briefing and Procedure Notes section at the top of the page. Here’s the Area 18 approach as an example:
A quantum drive is required for all these approach procedures. Spooling the drive is the only way to see the various waypoints, so it must be kept on for the duration of the approach.
The first step is to quantum travel to OM3.
Next, go to Area 18.
Once leaving quantum travel, turn right to a heading of 180 and locate OM2 (a diamond shape), which will be at about -20° of pitch (as seen on the plan view section). Center it in the HUD. Make sure you center it in your crosshairs, NOT the diamond in the middle of the quantum travel UI (the UI is not centered consistently across different ship types).
Keep it centered in your crosshairs and fly towards it until you reach 4000m altitude. Your speed doesn’t matter.
Once reaching 4000, turn left to a heading of 050°. Find TNRTH (the Area 18 quantum beacon, a home plate shape) and center it in your crosshairs. Stay at or above 2000m altitude.
When you’re 17km from TNRTH, turn left to a heading of 360°. Find the quantum marker for Area 06 (a hexagon shape) and center it in your crosshairs. Stay at or above 1100m altitude until you have the spaceport in sight, or until you reach the missed approach point (MAP), which is at 534km from Area 06. Once you have the spaceport in sight, proceed to your assigned landing pad. If you don’t have the spaceport in sight by the time you reach the MAP begin the missed approach procedure.