Facility Identifiers
Major landing zones are identified by 3 letters based on the landing zone name.
LOR for Teasa Spaceport, Lorville
RIK for Riker Memorial Spaceport, Area 18
Minor landing zones have 3 letters/numbers based on the following criteria:
-Begins with planet/moon number as listed in ARK Starmap
-Aid shelters all end with a number for easy identification
-Space stations start with 2 numbers and end with a letter for easy identification (i.e. if all you saw was the identifier, you’d at least know it was a space station.)
LEO (Low Earth Orbit) Stations-Planet number, 0 (zero), first letter of station name
20O for Port Olisar
Port Olisar orbits Crusader (Stanton 2) and is a space station, so 2 numbers and “O” for Olisar
30B for Baijini Point
Orbits ArcCorp (Stanton 3), 0, B for Baijini
Lagrange Point Stations-Planet number associated with Lagrange Point, number of Lagrange Point, first letter of station name
31W for ArcCorp L1 “Wide Forest”
ArcCorp is Stanton 3, Arc Corp Lagrange Point 1, W for “Wide Forest”
Ashburn Channel Aid Shelter is on Cellin (Stanton 2A) and is an aid shelter, so ends in a number
HDMS Edmond, on Hurston (Stanton 1), “H” for HDMS (presumably Hurston Dynamics Mining Station), “E” for Edmond.
HDSF Hobart on Hurston (Stanton 1), “S” for HDSF (not sure what this stands for), “O” for Hobart (“H” already in use for a different facility).
It seems complicated at first but the general idea is someone can tell at a glance what planet/moon a facility is on and in some cases what kind of facility it is. So, just looking at an identifier 2AH, you can tell it’s on Cellin (Stanton 2A) and it’s not an aid shelter (since it doesn’t end in a number). See the Stanton System Facility ID list to find out what it is. I’ve stuck with the 3-character identifier system used in the US. There’s nothing to say we can’t use more characters, but I think there should be no more than 4. Like everything else associated with this Alpha, things can and will change. This numbering system will serve as a template for future star systems, as they are added to the game.
Using the star system identifiers available elsewhere on this site, the above examples might look like this when including the star system in the identifier:
Port Olisar: USTA-20O or just STA-20O
Ashburn Channel Aid Shelter: USTA-2A1 or STA-2A1
HDMS Edmond: USTA-1HE or STA-1HE
HDSF Hobart: USTA-1SO or STA-1SO
(“U” for UEE system and STA for Stanton, followed by the 3-letter identifier).
Chart Indexing
Charts are numbered using the following methods:
Type of Chart (LZC, TAC, etc.)-System ID (System identifier)-Location ID (3-letter identifier)-Planet or Moon-Version (Chart version)
Depending on the type of chart, one or more fields may be omitted.
Lorville TAC
Terminal Area Chart-Stanton System-Teasa Spaceport (Lorville)-Hurston-Version 00
Hickes Research Outpost
Landing Zone Chart-Stanton System-Hickes Research Outpost-Cellin-Version 01